February 8, 2025
Sandra Day O'Connor HS
Judges' Meeting

Judges should plan on enjoying some breakfast and waiting for a general meeting of all judges before going to individual room assignments.
Breakfast helpers:8:00-8:30 AMLibrarySusanne Thielen, On Site Director, (O'Connor)

Suzy Holland, Director (Retired, Northside ISD)

Jennifer Christianson (Boerne) and Kim McCarron (Brennan) , Onsite Food Coordinators
Tab Room

(Same as Breakfast/Check-in)
Turn in Judges' Packets here!10:00 AMLibraryLeslie Decker (Cedar Ridge), Director

O'Connor GNHS students

O'Connor GNHS students
Score RoomOFF LIMITS TO JUDGES10:00 AMJennifer Christianson, Director, (Boerne HS),
Audrey Saathoff
Awards Assembly3:00 PM (Presentation by CIEE)
3:30 PMish Awards to follow
Auditorium (Building M)Susanne Thielen (O'Conner), Suzy Holland,
Ryan Browning (Grisham MS)
Judges not yet assigned: V.I.J.s (Very Important Judges)

Often judges get sick or just do not show up, so we depend on our VIJS to take over!! We are so grateful to you!!!Meet in Library

for assignment

Non Native:

Club albums$All49 AM - 1PMJ117Cristina Ramos (Warren), Emily Gass
Crafts#All49 AM - 1PMJ117Cristina Ramos (Warren), Emily Gass
Doll Costume*All89 AM - 1PMJ121Deena Vasbinder (retired, Taft), Barbara Gass
GB Houses(Trad)$All59 AM - 1PMJ119Emma Morrow, Alejandra Ugarte
GB Houses (Non-Trad)$All49 AM - 1PMJ120Emma Morrow, Alejandra Ugarte
Needle Work*All99 AM - 1PMJ121Martha Sorunke, Susan Lewis
Original Models@All79 AM - 1PMJ118Katie Anders, Martina Staudner
Photography$All109 AM - 1PMJ111Cullen Ricks, Ursula Behrendt
Poster Design@All159 AM - 1PMJ113Barbara Gold-Davis (Clark), Claire Plantenga (Northside ISD)
Scavenger Hunt(Schnitzeljagd)All610:30 -1:15PMJ112John Gray
Shirt Design#All89 AM - 1PMJ116Courtney Ordway, Jennifer Bliss (New Braunfels, Long Creek)
Poetry Memory1.069 AM - 1PMH117Cardy Hayden, Sigrid Scherber (LASA)
Poetry Memory2.079 AM - 1PMH119Sylvia Rodax, Ram Okten
Poetry Memory3.089 AM - 1PMH117Cardy Hayden, Sigrid Scherber (LASA)
Poetry Memory4.099 AM - 1PMH119Sylvia Rodax, Ram Okten
Prose Memory1.039 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron
Prose Memory2.069 AM - 1PMH115Emily Benz, Gordana Wist de la Rosa
Prose Memory3.059 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron
Prose Memory4.059 AM - 1PMH115Emily Benz, Gordana Wist de la Rosa
Advantaged (Nat)Poetry/Prose Memory3/29 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron
Skits1.019 AM-9:15 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits2.029:15AM--9:45AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits3.019:45- 10 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits4.0210:15 -10:45 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Duet ActingLow39:30 AM - 1 PMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Duet ActingUpper19:30 AM - 1 PMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Puppet ShowLower19:00 AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Puppet ShowUpper29:15 AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Classical Instrumental Ensemble#All59-10:30 AMH221Allan Teesdale, Kimberly McCarron (Brennan)
Contemporary German Music#All611:00 AM -12:15 PMH221Allan Teesdale, Kimberly McCarron (Brennan)
EinzeltanzAll212:30-1:00 PMCourtyard
Inclement weather:
Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier
Folk DanceAll21-1:30 PMCourtyard
Inclement weather:
Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier
Polka Band#All39-9:45 AMH220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier, Sarah Davis
Vocal solos*All610:00 AM -12:15 PMH220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier, Sarah Davis
Directed Dialogue1.079 AM - 1PMH109Tracey Faske (La Grange), Thomas Becker
Directed Dialogue2.079 AM - 1PMH111Christiane Lauffer, Ute Roesner
Extemp Spkg3.079 AM - 1PMH118Anita Guajardo, Mark Shaw
Extemp Spkg4.069 AM - 1PMH116Ursula Huddleston, Eva Fiedler
Extemp SpkgAdvantaged49 AM - 1PMH118Anita Guajardo, Mark Shaw
Pair Discussion3.049 AM - 1PMH116Ursula Huddleston, Eva Fiedler
Sight Reading1.079 AM - 1PMH113Adrian Jackson, Manuela Gutt
Sight Reading2.099 AM - 1PMH114Karin Shaw, Tom Lapacka
Sight Reading3.089 AM - 1PMH113Ursula Behrendt, Adrian Jackson
Sight Reading4.099 AM - 1PMH114Karin Shaw, Tom Lapacka
Varsity Pass aufFinal game open for viewing in H108411:30 AM;
2:30 PM
H108Julia Lesher (Anderson), Marc Mays
Novice Pass auf 10:30
Final game open for viewing in H108
29:00 AM-11:00 AMH108
Proctors meet in J211 at 8:30 am
Jennifer Melgar (Westwood)
Culture Test1,27/109 AM - 1PMJ221
Culture Test3,410/79 AM - 1PMJ221
Grammar Test1,28/109 AM - 1PMJ219Esther Trevino (Stevens HS)
Grammar Test3,411/99 AM - 1PMJ219Esther Trevino (Stevens HS)
Listening Comp1,28/9See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ217Noelle Poquiz
Listening Comp3,411/11See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ217Noelle Poquiz
Reading Comp1,28/109 AM - 1PMJ215Bruce Bower
Reading Comp3,412/109 AM - 1PMJ215Bruce Bower
Spelling1.26/9See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ218Merle Winckler (O'Connor HS exchange student)
Spelling3,47/9See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ218
Timed Writing1.0310:00 AMJ220Ryan Browning (Grisham MS)
Timed Writing2.0510:30 AMJ220Ryan Browning (Grisham MS)
Vocabulary1,29/119 AM - 1PMJ216
Vocabulary3,49/109 AM - 1PMJ216
Written Test, AdvantagedAdvantaged711:00 AM J220Ryan Browning (Grisham MS)

Virtual Judges General Schedule

Tab Room Turn in Judges' critiques by Tues. 11:59 PM Feb. 4
Digital Logo DesignAll13Emily Benz, Adrian Jackson
Photo Essay All7Amanda Messerschmitt, Karin Shaw
Research PaperAll12John Chu, Emily Gass
Video ShowAll3Craig McCarron, Audrey Saathof
Poetry Reading 1110Ellen Schoedler, Stacey Schuda
Poetry Reading 229Kim McCarron, Gordana Wist de la Rosa
Poetry Reading 338Bruce Bower, Jennifer Christianson
Poetry Reading 4412Christine Webb, Horst Wasel
Prose Reading 118 Cardy Hayden, Leslie Decker, Nella Spurlin
Prose Reading 227Mark Shaw, Suzy Holland
Prose Reading 336Ryan Browning, Susanne Thielen
Prose Reading 447Ursula Huddleston, Esther Trevino
Oral Presentation4 and Advantaged9Nadma Dunham, James Howell

Judges Arts Schedule

Coordinator: Leslie Decker Check the German on T-shirts, Posters, if needed.
Club albums$All49 AM - 1PMJ117Cristina Ramos (Warren), Heidy Retana
Crafts#All49 AM - 1PMJ117Cristina Ramos (Warren), Heidy Retana
Doll Costume*All89 AM - 1PMJ121Deena Vasbinder (retired, Taft), Barbara Gass
GB Houses(Trad)$All59 AM - 1PMJ119Emma Morrow, Alejandra Ugarte
GB Houses (Non-Trad)$All49 AM - 1PMJ120Emma Morrow, Alejandra Ugarte
Needle Work*All99 AM - 1PMJ121Martha Sorunke, Susan Lewis
Original Models@All79 AM - 1PMJ118Katie Anders, Martina Staudner
Photography$All109 AM - 1PMJ111Cullen Ricks, Ursula Behrendt
Poster Design@All159 AM - 1PMJ113Barbara Gold-Davis (Clark), Claire Plantenga (Northside ISD)
Scavenger Hunt(Schnitzeljagd)All69:30 -1:15PMJ108John Gray
Shirt Design#All89 AM - 1PMJ116Courtney Ordway, Jennifer Bliss (New Braunfels, Long Creek)
Club albums$All4.09 AM - 1PMJ117Kim Newton
Crafts#All8.09 AM - 1PMJ116Courtney Ordway, Rachel Olivarri
Doll Costume*All6.09 AM - 1PMJ121Sabine Baggio, Susan Lewis
GB Houses(Trad)$All6.09 AM - 1PMJ119Cristina Ramos
GB Houses (Non-Trad)$All9.09 AM - 1PMJ120Molly Bennett
Needle Work*All6.09 AM - 1PMJ121Sabine Baggio, Susan Lewis
Original Models@All6.09 AM - 1PMJ118Deena Vasbinder, Barbara Gass
Photography$All10.09 AM - 1PMJ111Helen Tiseth, Molly Bennett
Poster Design@All11.09 AM - 1PMJ113Emily Pitman, Connor HavenLeslie Decker-German language use
Scavenger Hunt(Schnitzeljagd)All9.09:30 -1:15PMJ108Julia Lesher
Shirt Design#All8.09 AM - 1PMJ117Kim Newton, Leslie Decker-German language use

Judges Declamation Schedule

Coordinator: Audrey Saathoff
CategoryLevelEntrants TimeLocationJudges
Poetry Memory169 AM - 1PMH117Cardy Hayden, Sigrid Scherber (LASA)
Poetry Memory279 AM - 1PMH119Sylvia Rodax, Ram Okten
Poetry Memory389 AM - 1PMH117Cardy Hayden, Sigrid Scherber (LASA)
Poetry Memory499 AM - 1PMH119Sylvia Rodax, Ram Okten
Prose Memory139 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron
Prose Memory269 AM - 1PMH115Emily Benz, Gordana Wist de la Rosa
Prose Memory359 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron
Prose Memory459 AM - 1PMH115Emily Benz, Gordana Wist de la Rosa
Advantaged (Nat)Poetry/Prose Memory3/29 AM - 1PMH110Horst Wasel, Craig McCarron

Judges Drama Schedule

Skits119 AM-9:15 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits229:15AM--9:45AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits329:45- 10 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Skits4110 -10:15 AMH121Rita Burnside, Edda Buchner
Duet ActingLower39 AM - 11 AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Duet ActingUpper19 AM - 11 AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Puppet ShowLower111:15 AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle
Puppet ShowUpper211:30-11:45AMJ114Brigitte Deyle (retired, Smithson Valley), Gail Deyle

Judges Music Schedule

Judges Music Schedule Coordinator: Audrey Saathoff
Classical Instrumental Ensemble#All59-10:30AMH221Allan Teesdale, Kimberly McCarron (Brennan)
Contemporary German Music#All311AM-11:45 AMH221Allan Teesdale, Kimberly McCarron (Brennan)
EinzeltanzAll212:30-1:00 PMCourtyard Inclement weather: H220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier
Folk DanceAll21-1:30 PMCourtyard Inclement weather: H220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier
Polka Band#All39-9:45 AMH220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier, Sarah Davis
Vocal solos*All610:00 AM -12:15 PMH220Leslie Rossmeier, Paul Rossmeier, Sarah Davis

Judges Oral Tests Schedule

Coordinator: Leslie Decker, Cedar Ridge High School
Directed Dialogue179 AM - 1PMH109Tracey Faske (La Grange), Thomas Becker
Directed Dialogue279 AM - 1PMH111Christiane Lauffer , Ute Roesner
Extemp Spkg379 AM - 1PMH118Anita Guajardo, Mark Shaw
Extemp Spkg469 AM - 1PMH116Ursula Huddleston, Eva Fiedler
Extemp SpkgAdvantaged49 AM - 1PMH118Anita Guajardo, Mark Shaw
Pair Discussion349 AM - 1PMH116Ursula Huddleston, Eva Fiedler
Sight Reading179 AM - 1PMH113Manuela Gutt, Adrian Jackson
Sight Reading299 AM - 1PMH114Karin Shaw, Tom Lapacka
Sight Reading389 AM - 1PMH113Manuela Gutt, Adrian Jackson
Sight Reading499 AM - 1PMH114Karin Shaw, Tom Lapacka

Judges Written Tests Schedule

Coordinator: J J Melgar, Westwood Student Proctors and Parent/Teacher Proctors: All test proctors should meet with coordinator in room J211 at 8:30 for a briefing!!
Culture Test1,29 AM - 1PMJ221Emily Gass
Culture Test3,49 AM - 1PMJ221Emily Gass
Grammar Test1,29 AM - 1PMJ219Esther Trevino (Stevens HS)
Grammar Test3,49 AM - 1PMJ219Esther Trevino (Stevens HS)
Listening Comp1,2See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ217Judges, please check in with JJ after judging is complete. She may need help.
Listening Comp3,4See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ217
Reading Comp1,29 AM - 1PMJ215
Reading Comp3,49 AM - 1PMJ215
Spelling1, 2See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ218Merle Winckler (O'Connor HS, exchange student)
Spelling3,4See Timed Tests Schedule BelowJ218
Vocabulary1,29 AM - 1PMJ220
Vocabulary3,49 AM - 1PMJ220
Timed Writing110:30 AMJ216
Timed Writing210:30 AMJ216
Written Test, AdvantagedAdvantaged11:00 AMJ220Ryan Browning (Grisham MS)

Timed Tests Schedule

Listening Comprehension
Lower Level (1-2)9-10-11-12
Upper Level (3-4)9:30-10:30-11:30-12:30
Lower Level (1-2)9:30-10:30-11:30-12:30
Upper Level (3-4)9-10-11-12

Timed Tests Schedule

Listening Comprehension
Lower Level (1-2)9-10-11-12
Upper Level (3-4)9:30-10:30-11:30-12:30
Lower Level (1-2)9:30-10:30-11:30-12:30
Upper Level (3-4)9-10-11-12